
  • Perception is how we are recognized and remembered by people, so your first task is to decide which lasting impression you want to leave behind. Appearance is important.
  • Many employers still favor a traditional and classic presentation. Think attire in the solid, neutral or dark color palette.
  • No matter which outfit you choose make sure it is clean, not torn or missing any buttons.
  • Ill-fitting garments unintentionally convey lack of preparation and insincere interest which is not how you want to come across when meeting a potential future employer. Over time the suit that once fell just right may not fit as well, or the skirt you chose right off the mannequin might rise or fall just beyond the professional mark.
  • Always do a “sit-down test” in front of a mirror before casting any final decision.
  • Choose an outfit that you are comfortable in as it allows you to exude more confidence which positively effects your overall appearance.
  • If you choose to incorporate colors or patters, do so with taste. A bright pattern or bold color can create a favorable contrast when paired with a dark counterpart. Whether it’s a statement necklace, a mandarin blouse or pin-stripe pant, always remember to just pick one.
  • Skip the cologne or perfume.
  • Unless you are told specifically to dress casual, do not assume it is ok.


Conservative suit with white or coordinating button down



Dark Socks

Professional, polished shoes

Limited jewelery

Neat, professional hairstyle

Unscented aftershave

Clean, trimmed nails


Conservative suit with coordinating blouse

Skirt should be above the knee

Professional dresses

Nude panty hose if legs are showing

Conservative heels or power flats

Limited jewelry (none if cheap or broken)

Styled professional hair

Light and natural make-up

Neat, no chipped polish – think natural or neutral